Africa has the potential to feed itself, so why doesn’t it? What role, if any, does the African Diaspora have to play in this? Come along and hear from practitioners of African Agriculture, academics and MPs on the issues.

Diaspora for African Development (DfAD) would like to invite you to attend a roundtable jointly hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Debt, Aid and Trade, Entraide Mutual Aid, Diaspora for African Development, Agric International, Africa UK, ORCD and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).  Chaired by Alison McGovern MP Shadow Minister for International Development the roundtable will bring together parliamentarians with members of the diaspora community to discuss the role that the diaspora have to play in Africa’s agricultural development.


Confirmed speakers include Felix Kupay, Chair, African Diaspora for the Development of African Agriculture; Karima Ola, Chief InvestmentOfficer, African Development Corporation and Professor Lawrence Haddad, Director, Institute of Development Studies.

Come along to hear about and discuss what more needs to be done to tackle the persistent challenges of hunger, under nutrition and poverty across Africa.

For more information and to register, check out the event leaflet by following this link and visit Eventbrite. Please register early as spaces are limited.